

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Picture Book of India

Yesterday's post was heavy, so today please enjoy this rough draft of my as-yet unpublished masterpiece. Clearly I missed my true calling as a children's book author.

Here are some Hindus! And more of their ilk

Here is a Westerner, shopping for silk

Here is a rickshaw, a death trap on wheels

Here 10 cents a day buys a child two meals

Here is a man with some wood up on top

Here children dance like they don't want to stop

Here is some yoga - here body meets mind

Here are six nurses lined up in a line 

Here is a coconut tree and its fruit

Here are some strays napping right in your route

Here is a place you can't play when it rains

Here is a grove where they grow sugarcane

Here is a cat with a brain in its head

And here's where we lie down, exhausted, in bed.

The End!

1 comment:

  1. Your dog does that regularly in Boston intersections but she is attached to a leash and can be yanked out of danger when necessary.
